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A pair of ghosts for use in your Liminal Horror games; because there’s not much more liminal than the limbo state between life and death.

Need to funnel your characters deeper into a liminal space? Try the chainwraith, minor poltergeists trapped by more powerful entities unwilling or unable to go hunting for their food.

Someone in your setting behaving oddly? They might be possessed by the lifechaser, a ghost that possesses the living to postpone its transition to the Beyond.

 (Image is public domain via oldbookillustrations.com. The Nameless Page is an independent production by The Gemfish and is not affiliated with Goblin Archives LLC. It is published under the Liminal Horror Third Party License.)

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
AuthorThe Gemfish


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The Nameless Page III - Ghosts.pdf 109 kB

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